Walton Red Heading-Silver-square-

Greetings Family

Thank you for your participation in our first planning meeting for the Walton Family Reunion 2025. It was nice meeting those of you that are new to me.
As we discussed, our next meeting will be Sunday, August 18th at 5pm. I will send out a Zoom Invite the week of.
In the mean time, please continue to try and gather email addresses so that we can invite others and get their input as well.
At our next meeting we need to discuss:
    Event date options
    Host Hotel
    Reunion Fee and what that cost would include
Send me emails as you get them via email or text.
Thanks and have a good rest of July.
Joy Walton-Watkins

Welcome To The Walton's Family Joy Celebration Love Fellowship REUNION

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

Charles E. Walton & Family

C.E Walton

Mae Walton Sanders & Family

As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord

JOSHUA 24:15

Byron Walton and Family

Byron Walton and Family

“The photo below of Mae Walton Sanders reflects her bright smile and infectious personality.

We love because he first loved us.

1 JOHN 4:19

Willie Walton & Family

Emmitt & Myrtle Walton Family

Emmitt and Myrtle Walton's Family-group

Christian Faith Baptist Church Reunion 2006

"A Gathering of the Saints"

Roman and Ada's Wedding

Chad & Deborah Walton's Wedding ~January 8, 2022

“Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one. ”

Psalm 133:1

Brittany & Vinstent Walton's Wedding Day

Tonka Walton Lynn and Derek Lynn


From Our Special Collection

The Young Clyde B. Walton

Mary (Thorpe) Walton

Lee Walton

Tribute to Dr. Clyde B. Walton

The Walton Family pays tribute to Dr. Clyde B. Walton; devoted father, loving husband, preacher, teacher, mentor and friend. We morn his passing and celebrate his life. He is seen here in an early photo with his son, the Rev. Charles Walton.

Visit The Walton Portfolio

Visit the Walton Family Reunion  Portfolio Gallery. There you may view specially curated photographs of the Walton Family that span the generations.

Share Your Walton Family Photos of Every Occasion With Us.